American Manuals

      1.  American Institute of Parliamentarians Staff. Fundamentals of Parliamentary Law and Procedure. 2 ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Knedall/Hunt; 1992: 464 pages.

      2. American Institute of Parliamentarians Staff. Readings in Parliamentary Law: Selected Articles from Parliamentary Journals. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt; c1992, 272 pages.

      3. Anderson, Karen. The Busy Manager’s Guide to Successful Meetings. USA: Books Mart Press; 1948; c1993: 168 pages.

      4. Bereskin, Louise. Pointers on Parliamentary Procedure. Kansas City, Missouri, National Association of Parliamentarians; 1993: 51 pages.

      5. Bereskin, Louise. Pointers on Parliamentary Procedure Teaching Guide. Kansas City, Missouri, National Association of Parliamentarians; 1993: 166 pages.

      6. Cannon, Hugh. Cannon’s Concise Guide to Rules of Order: A New Approach to holding Successful Meetings, Boston, New York, London, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992: 177 pages.

      7. Demeter, George. Demeter’s Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure for the Legal Conduct of Business in All Deliberative Assemblies. Blue Books ed. Boston, Mass. Brown and Company; 1969: 377 pages.

      8. Dunbar, Shane D. Parliamentary Procedure Made Easy: An Activity-Oriented Program Designed to Ensure Effective … S.D. Dunbar; c1993.

      9. Farwell, H. W. The Majority Rules. Pueblo, Colorado. High Publishers, 1988: 112 pages.

     10.Jefferson, Thomas. A Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States. Bedford, MA.: Applewood Books; 1993: 144 pages.

     11.Keesey, Ray E. Modern Parliamentary Procedure. Washington, DC, American Psychological Association, 1994: 143 pages.

     12.Logan, S.W. Logan’s Parliamentary Rules. 26 ed. Kansas City 11, Allan Publications; 1961: 235 pages.

     13.Mason, Paul. Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure. 2 ed. The American Society of Legislative Clerks & Secretaries in Collaboration with The National Conference of State Legislature. West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn.; 1989: 677 pages.

     14.Maass, Arthur. Congress and the Common Good. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers; c1983: 273 pages.

     15.McMahon, Tom. Big Meetings, Big Results. Chicago, Illinois: NTC Business Books; 1990; c1988: 167 pages.

     16.Miller, Robert F. Running a Meeting That Works. 250, Wireless Boulevard, Hauppauge, New York 11788: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.; 1941; c1991: 88 pages.

     17.National Association of Parliamentarians. Installations, Invocations, Memorials. National Association of Parliamentarians: Kansas City, Missouri; 1993: 38 pages.

     18.National Association of Parliamentarians. Spotlights on You the Board of Directors: A Leadership Handbook based on Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, National Association of Parliamentarians Education Committee,1993: 17 pages.

     19.- Spotlights on You the Delegate: 1993: 17 pages.

     20.- Spotlights on Committees: 1993: 17 pages.

     21.- Spotlights on Protocol; 1993: 17 pages.

     22.- Spotlights on Bylaws; 1993: 17 pages.

     23.- Spotlights on Effective Communication; 1993: 17 pages.

     24.- Spotlights on You the Member; 1993: 17 pages.

     25.- Spotlights on You the Secretary; 1993: 17 pages.

     26.- Spotlights on Meeting Management; 1993: 17 pages.

     27.- Spotlights on Teaching Techniques; 1993: 17 pages.

     28.- Spotlights on You the Parliamentarian; 1993: 17 pages.

     29.- Spotlights on Public Relations; 1993: 17 pages.

     30.- Spotlights on Workshops that Work; 1993: 17 pages.

     31.- Spotlights on Program Planning; 1993: 17 pages.

     32.- Spotlights on You the Vice-President or President-Elect; 1993: 17 pages.

     33.- Spotlights on You the Treasurer; 1993: 17 pages.

     34.- Spotlights on You the President; 1993: 17 pages.

     35.National Association of Parliamentarians. The A-B-C’s of Parliamentary Procedure: A Scriptographic booklet based on Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, Channing L. Bete Co., Inc. 200 State Road, South Deerfield, MA 01373; 1992; c1974: 15 pages.

     36.Oleck, Howard L. & Green, Gami. Parliamentary Law and Practice for Nonprofit Organizations. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ALI-ABA Staff; 1991: 180 pages.

     37.Pohl, Alice N. Meetings Rules and Procedures. First ed. Linclonwood (Chicago) NTC Business Books, a Division of NTC Publishing Group; 1989; c1989. 160 pages.

     38.Pohl, Alice N. Formal Meetings: How to Preside and Participate. Linclonwood (Chicago) NTC Business Books, a Division of NTC Publishing Group; 1990; 115 pages.

     39.Pohl, Alice N. Committees and Boards: How to Be an Effective Participant. Linclonwood (Chicago) NTC Business Books, a Division of NTC Publishing Group; 1990; 88 pages.

     40.Riddick, Floyd Millard. Riddick’s Rules of Procedure: A Modern Guide to Faster and More Efficient Meetings. Lanham, MD.: Madison Books: Distributed by National Books Network; 1991: 224 pages.

     41.Robert, Sarah Corbin, etal. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. New and Enlarged, Scott, Foresman Company; 1990 ed. Glenview, Illinois, London: c1990: 706 pages.

     42.Robert, M. Robert. Parliamentary Law. Bicentennial Edition. New York, Irvington Publishers, Inc. 1975: 588 pages.

     43.Rozakis, Laurie. Merriam-Webster’s Rules of Order. Springfield, Mass.: Merrian-Webster; c1994: 313 pages.

     44.Schlotzhauer, Virginia. Parliamentary Opinions 11: solutions to Problems of Organizations: A Compilation and Update of Opinions of The Opinions Committees, American Institute of Parliamentarians, July 1982-9. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendell/Hunt Publications Co.; 1992: 156 pages.

     45.Sharman, David. The Perfect Meeting. New York: Wings Books; 1994; c1993: 83 pages.

     46.Sturgis, Alice. The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure. New and revised, Third McGraw Hill, Inc.; Revised by the American Institute of Parliamentarians. New York; 1993: 281 pages.

     47.Tortorice, Donald A. The Modern Rules of Order: A Guide for Conducting Business Meetings. Harrisburg, Pa. (104 South St., P.O. Box 1027, Harrisburg, 17108-1027): Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Continuing Legal Education; c1992: 67 pages.

  British Manuals

 1. Cannell, Michael, and Citrine, Norman. Citrine’s ABC of Chairmanship. 4th ed. Edited by London: NCLC Publishing Society, 1994: 122 pages.

      2. Labour Party. How to Organise for Victory. Labour Party, 150 Walworth Road, London SE17 IJT. November 1984: 72 pages.

      3. Labour Party. Rule Book 1984/85 as amended by 1985 Conference. Labour Party, 150 Walworth Road, London SE17 IJT: 102 pages.

      4. Lawton, P., Rigby, E. Meetings: Their Law and Practice. Fifth ed. London, Longman’s Group U.K.; 1992: 424 pages.

      5. May, Erskine. Parliamentary Practice (The Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament). Butterworths; Twenty-first ed. Boulton, C.J. etal, ed. London; 1989: 1079 pages.

      6. Shearman, I. Shakleton on the Law and Practice of Meetings. Eighth ed. London, Sweet and Maxwell; 1991: 330 pages.

      7. Taylor, H.M., Mears, A.G. The Right Way to Conduct Meetings, Conferences and Discussions. Reading, Berkshire Cox & Waman Ltd.; MCMXCIV: 124 pages.

      8. Wainwright, Gordon R. Meetings and Committee Procedure. Third ed. London Hodder and Stoughton; 1989; c1987; Teach Yourself Books: 181 pages.

المصادر العربية

  1. أحمد الصافي. المرشد إلى قواعد وإجراءات الهيئات التداولية. دار روتابرنت للطباعة، القاهرة، 1999، 610 صفحة.

  2. إسماعيل الأزهري. الطريق إلى البرلمان. الخرطوم: دار المعارف للطباعة والنشر، 1946، 328 صفحة.

  3. قرفس، ف. ل. ومكي عباس. الجمعيات داخل المدرسة وخارجها: إرشادات للمبتدئين في الديمقراطية العملية. الخرطوم: مصلحة المعارف السودانية، 1943، 168 صفحة.

  4. قانون الشركات لسنة 1925: قوانين السودان. المجلد الأول 1901-1925، الطبعة الخامسة، مراجعة حتى 31 ديسمبر 1975: قانون الشركات صفحات 364-385 من الطبعة الإنجليزية.

  5. اللائحة الداخلية: الجمعية التأسيسية. سنها الدكتور المبارك الفاضل شداد رئيس الجمعية التأسيسية بموجب المادة 62 من دستور السودان المؤقت (المعدل سنة 1964)، 1966: 83 صفحة.

  6. لائحة تنظيم إجراءات الجمعية التأسيسية لسنة 1986 (معدلة حتى سبتمبر 1988). 55 صفحة.

  7. قوانين النقابات في السودان 1948 – 1992.



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Last modified: April 30, 2003